"Well, just so you know, there isn't any treasure. It's just a rumor. But if you want at the top of my castle to check things out, I hired an interior decorator to make it really pretty [[up there|walk_up_stairs]] and noone ever comes around cause the outside is scary.
You are in the bottom of a large cold castle.\n\nYou look to your left and there's a [[hole|Outside]] in the wall that looks like it leads outside.\n\nTo your right is [[stairs|top_of_stairs]] that lead up half way and stop.
"What? Of all the things people have told me. Ok whatever, Just keep [[walking|walk_up_stairs]], trust me."
\n\nYou are super cold. Your hands are freezing and noone is around to help warm them up. Your butt is also cold.\n\n[[look around|bottom_of_castle]]
You walk through the hole and see that actually does lead outside.\n\nRealizing that you want to get to the top of the castle though, you walk [[back through|bottom_of_castle]].
You walk as far as the stairs will take you. You wonder why you did this. You could plainly see that the stairs didn't lead anywhere. You look back down the stairs where you just walked up from.\n\nAs you start to walk down a puff of smoke appears before your face. A male voice begins to speak.\n\n"I am a wizard and the owner of this castle. Where do you think your going?"\n\n- [[I was trying to get to the top of this castle!|w_topofcastle]]\n- [[Going back down|w_goingdown]]\n- [[None of your business!!|w_nonebusiness]]\n
You turn to face the end of the stairs.\n\n[[Keep walking|invisible_stairs]]\n\n
You tippy toe over to the chest wondering if the wizard can see what your doing.\n\nYou look at the chest and open it up. Its filled with hundreds and hundreds of Tootsie Rolls of all colors and flavors. Even ones you've never seen before!\n\nThinking there was gold in this chest your surprised.\n\n- [[Grab the tootsies really quick and jump out one of those holes.|take_tootsies]]\n- [[Grab one tootsie and eat it.|take_one_tootsie]]\n- [[Walk away without taking any tootsies.|leave_tootsies]]
"Well, as long as you promise not to touch it, i'll let you [[up|walk_up_stairs]] to see it.
"Don't mind if I do." You say as you grab a roll, unwrap it and pop it into your mouth.\n\n"That will be 10 GOLD." The wizard says, just as you swallow.\n\n"But I don't have any gold..." you respond.\n\n"Then I'll make you work for it!"\n\nThe wizard turns your clothes into a sexy dress and makes you shake your booty for two weeks. Then let's you leave.\n\nTHE END
Step by step you plant your feet on invisible steps. You hear the man laughing, his bellows echoing off the castle interiors.\n\n"Noone has ever had the guts to [[take those steps before|second_floor_door]]."
Victoria's Magic Castle
You carefully walk up the steps and reach a door sunken into the castle walls. You open it and walk through, [[looking around|second_floor]].
"No your not, you were going up those stairs so you could get to the top of my castle! Why do you think I would let you do that?"\n\n\n- [[Just want to watch the sun set from the tippy top, that's all.|w_sunset]]\n- [[I heard there's treasure and I want it.|w_treasureiwant]]\n- [[I heard there's treasure...and I wanted to just see it.|w_treasuretosee]]
You go to grab the chest full of tootsies and the wizard appears again...\n\n"Those are mine! Now I shall punish you!"\n\nThe wizard turns you into a foot and warps you to the third floor of his castle; which is full of tickly feathers. You are doomed to roll around and be tickled for the rest of your life.\n\nTHE END
You begin to reach your arm out to take a tootsie when the wizard puffs into view next to you.\n\n"I see you found my collection of tootsie rolls! Would you like to eat one?"\n\n- [[Take a white one|take_tootsie]]\n- [[Take a chocolate one|take_tootsie]]\n- [[Take a pink one|take_tootsie]]\n- [[Take a light blue one|take_tootsie]]\n- [[Take a dark blue one|take_tootsie]]\n- [[Take a red one|take_tootsie]]\n- [[Take a green one|take_tootsie]]\n- [[Take an orange one|take_tootsie]]\n- [[Take a root beer one|take_tootsie]]
"Why do you think I would let you get to the top of my castle?" The voice responds.\n\n- [[Just want to watch the sun set from the tippy top, that's all.|w_sunset]]\n- [[I heard there's treasure and I want it.|w_treasureiwant]]\n- [[I heard there's treasure...and I wanted to just see it.|w_treasuretosee]]
The Tootsie Rolls are beautiful you decide as you turn and begin to walk back down the stairs.\n\n"Thank you for not taking my Tootsie Rolls, now please leave."\n\nTHE END
"Well this is my castle and you being here is my business, so if you don't tell me I will teleport your ass to the bottom of my lava moat."\n\n- [[I was trying to get to the top of this castle!|w_topofcastle]]\n- [[Going back down|w_goingdown]]
You walk over to one of the holes and peer out over the landscape. It's dusk now and the clouds are a beautiful salmon.\n\nThe grass is a dark green and you see the village where you live.\n\nYou spend the rest of the night going from hole to hole looking out.\n\nTHE END
Anthony L. Romano
There are holes in all four walls to [[look out|look_out_holes]].\n\nIn center of the room is a chest that looks like it could easily be [[opened|open_chest]].